Welcome to the online interest form for Inatai Foundation's Campaigns, Litigation, Issues, & Policies (CLIP) fund!

Inatai Foundation is a 501(c)(4) philanthropic organization seeking to transform the balance of power to ensure equity and racial justice across Washington state and beyond. We are accountable to leaders and organizations building power in racially diverse communities in our state and seek to primarily fund community-based organizations and coalitions led by Black, Indigenous, and people of color. We are eager to learn more about your campaigns. 

To apply for CLIP funding from Inatai Foundation, please provide the information requested on the following pages and all requested attachments.


We accept submissions for CLIP throughout the year. However, we encourage you to complete this form as early as possible.


After submitting this form, you can expect to hear back from the Inatai team about any potential next steps in within four to six weeks.

We are committed to learning about the people, places, and leaders of Washington State and we appreciate you helping us to do that by sharing information about your work and the event.


Inatai Foundation is committed to making submission of this form as accessible as possible. If this web form does not work for you or if you prefer it be made available in a different language, please contact us to discuss other options for submitting your application. If you have questions about accessibility, this form, or the application process, our team is available to help! 


If you have any questions about this form or the CLIP fund generally, please email us at Policy@Inatai.org

Thank you! 

Applicant Information

Please provide the information about the organization/coalition that is requesting support.

This will be the email where a copy of your application responses will go.

Please fill in this field if your organization uses a DBA or sometimes goes by another name, like an acronym.

If you are not sure about how your organization is legally organized, please contact us at grantsadmin@inatai.org before applying. For more information about how Inatai Foundation defines Fiscal Sponsorship, please refer to the Application Guidelines.
Organization/Coalition Information

If you are fiscally sponsored, provide your fiscal sponsor's information in the next section.
Organization/Coalition or Fiscally Sponsored Project Address

Fiscal Sponsor Information

Fiscal Sponsor Address

For fiscally-sponsored projects, please attach a copy of your fiscal-sponsorship agreement so that we can better understand how the host organization and the sponsored project share responsibilities for financial, legal, and program oversight.

Contact Information

We ask for the name and contact information of one primary contact, who we will send all follow up communications to. Please also provide contact information of a person who is authorized to sign legal documents (like grant agreements!) on behalf of your organization/coalition (e.g., Executive Director or President). 

If fiscally sponsored:  We ask for the name and contact information of one primary contact for your fiscally sponsored project, who we will send all follow up communications to. Please also provide contact information of a person representing your fiscal sponsor who is authorized to sign legal documents (like grant agreements!) on behalf of your organization/coalition.
Primary Contact Information

Authorized Signer

1500 characters with spaces

1500 characters with spaces

1500 characters with spaces

1500 characters with spaces
Geography Questions
Please describe the geographic scope of your campaign and the primary city(ies) and/or county(ies) of the campaign (list all that apply).